What is a Rife Machine?

Cancer treatment can seem like a relentless struggle. There were about 1.8 million new diagnoses in the U.S. alone last year, which is a painful fraction of the global 19.3 million. Unfortunately, traditional treatments are not curative enough.
Frequent medical appointments, chemotherapy, surgery, and various treatments can be equally exhausting, alongside the disease itself - not to mention the accompanying side-effects.
Yet, conventional treatments are not the only option. Alternative therapies embrace a holistic approach, emphasizing minimally-invasive methods to strengthen the body's natural defenses.
For nearly a century, the Rife machine has been used to eliminate cancer cells and reduce tumor sizes.
The Rife machine: a brief overview.
During the 1920s and '30s, Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, a bacteriologist at Johns Hopkins University, discovered that viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells possess unique resonance frequencies.
According to research by Dr. Albert Abrams, a 20th-century scientist, he noted that:
Everything vibrates; this vibration is referred to as frequency. Specific vibrations pertain to each form of matter, which depends on the composition.
Specialized operators can detect, classify, and measure vibrations emitted by various types of matter.
Dr. Abrams’ research was built upon by Dr. Rife's theory, where outside electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) could target cancer cells and cause cell death (either implosion or explosion). This gave rise to the rife machine, which delivers low-energy electromagnetic waves at the specific frequency of cancer cells.
In 1934, Dr. Rife experimented with 16 terminal cancer patients. As per some claims, 14 patients were cured by his rife cancer machine, while the remaining two patients required more intensive treatments. After four weeks, these two patients were also declared cured.
Why isn't the Rife Machine more popular?
Regrettably, research on the rife machine was abruptly discontinued when the American Medical Association (AMA) declined to publish any papers in support of the technology. It is commonly perceived that the AMA played a key role in suppressing the device, which was considered a new medical technology. In fact, in 1942, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the AMA was guilty of suppressing novel medical technologies in favor of drug companies.
Research the rife machine didn't resume until the 1980s, when author Barry Lynes revived interest in alternative therapy circles by publishing a book called "The Cancer Cure That Worked" in 1987.
Researchers are still experimenting with the Rife machine to determine its long-term effects. Scientists have noted that low Rife frequency electromagnetic waves affect tumors without harming healthy cells.
Although studies on its effectiveness continue, the rife machine has gained popularity as an alternative to traditional cancer therapies. Understanding the rife machine's impact on cancer requires knowledge on how it functions.
How the Rife Machine Works
Dr. Rife likened his experiments to an opera singer breaking a wine glass with her vocal cords. Striking and holding the right musical note (frequency) created a sound that interacted with the glass, making it vibrate and shatter.
All things in the world have their own unique natural frequency. The Rife machine detects and matches the frequency of bacteria, viruses, or cancer cells. Similarly to an opera singer and a glass, the Rife machine emits a frequency that targets cells and triggers apoptosis.
Effects on Cancer
Cancer cells vibrate at their own natural resonance, allowing them to be selectively targeted by EMFs without damaging the healthy cells in the body.5
One way to grasp the Rife machine's function is to imagine a soda bottle. When you take off the cap, you'll hear the fizz. Replace the cap, shake it up, and the contents would explode in a sticky, sopping mess when opened, right?
Like the fizz in a bottle of soda, cancer cells vibrate when observed. The rife machine identifies and amplifies their vibrations, essentially shaking them up by emitting an identical frequency at a higher volume.
This induces intense vibration, much like soda bubbles, in cancer cells, leading to apoptosis.
Effects on the Body
The Rife machine destroys cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unharmed. Dr. Rife's research shows that cancer cells vibrate at a low frequency compared to other cells in the body, which vibrate at a higher frequency.
The rife machine exclusively targets cancerous cells based on their specific low frequencies, leaving the rest of the body unimpacted. Research confirms that extremely low-frequency EMFs don't cause cancer. Compared to conventional cancer treatments - such as chemotherapy with its long list of adverse side effects - the low-energy waves emitted by the rife machine are minimally harmful to the body.
Due to its negligible side effects, the rife machine treatment is deemed safe for multiple cancer types and may be effective.
What Does the Rife Machine Treat?
The rife machine tunes into the body and listens for abnormal low frequencies. Its ability to differentiate between various low EMFs enables detection of a wide range of cancers.
The list is almost infinite, but here are a few:
- Bone cancer
- Carcinoid tumors
- Kidney cancer
- Liver cancer
- Breast cancer
- Melanoma
- Prostate cancer
- Leukemia
As mentioned earlier, the U.S. alone sees 1.8 million new cancer patients annually. Some patients are cured by traditional treatments, while others endure treatments with minimal success and side effects.
To comprehend the growing popularity of rife machine therapy, consider its potential in contrast to the debilitating side-effects of conventional cancer treatments.
To comprehend why chemotherapy is so effective, understanding cancer cells' operations is vital.
Normal body cells multiply through asexual reproduction known as mitosis (cell division). Here, the original cell splits into two, and then multiplies exponentially. However, cancer cells also reproduce, but since they are intrinsically damaged, they do not function properly and impair the body's normal functions.
Cancerous cells divide rapidly creating a mass or tumor, which hinders the healthy organ's functionality. As cancer can't be self-repaired, patients need outside help.
Chemotherapy, the most conventional cancer treatment, uses chemical cocktails to target cells during division. Sadly, it doesn't distinguish between healthy and cancerous cells and kills any actively dividing cells in the body.
That is the reason why normal rapidly dividing body cells are highly impacted by chemotherapy, resulting in a range of side effects:
Hair loss occurs when hair follicle cells divide at a slower rate than the rate at which hair grows. As a result, chemotherapy often causes hair loss, since it targets quickly dividing cells. Similarly, chemotherapy-induced weakness, frail bones, and fatigue result from the treatment's impact on bone marrow cells that produce new blood cells through constant division.
The skin can be discolored, sagging, or appear unhealthy due to chemotherapy chemicals. Given that humans shed about 30,000-40,000 dead skin cells every minute or roughly 50 million per day, the impact on the skin cannot be underestimated.
The constant renewal of the lining in the digestive system occurs due to the natural acidity of stomach acid, which can cause intense nausea and vomiting when chemotherapy drugs kill these cells. To mitigate these side effects, cancer patients (especially those who have undergone chemotherapy with little or no success) often seek alternative therapies like rife machine therapy that can effectively treat the whole body with minimal harm.
The process of Rife Machine treatment.
For therapy, electrical pads are applied to the patient's hands and feet, or they can hold onto a plasma tube while connected to the device to receive the signals.
The pads or tubes are attached to the rife machine, which is calibrated to an electromagnetic frequency that is specific to the type of cancer. When the rife frequency generator is activated, the frequency is delivered into the body to target cancer cells. The procedure is pain-free due to low energy release from the device.
Rife machine therapy can be administered a few minutes per day, several times a week. However, determining the best frequency and length of treatment requires professional assistance. An individualized treatment plan is necessary for each cancer patient, hence consulting a doctor is vital before exploring new therapies.
Help Your Body Help Itself
Although still being researched, rife machine therapy is a promising non-invasive alternative treatment. Limited studies exist, but testimonials indicate that rife therapy has helped patients battle cancer.